I’m Becky and I went from teaching the occasional student to creating my own home based successful music studio in just 3 months, TWICE!

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I’ve been teaching since 1999, when my High School Band director asked me to teach a fellow band student how to play and read music better. I’ve known since Middle School I wanted to be a teacher. I started college as a music education major, but learned with my student teaching that public teaching just wasn’t the right fit for me.

It wasn’t until my husband and I moved cross country that it was either find a job I didn’t really enjoy or finally start up my own music studio business. I chose the later and set my first business goal in my music studio: To have 10 students in 3 months, aka, by the end of the year.

I spent the summer months trying to figure out how to start my own business. It took a lot of Googling, and calling my old teachers asking advice because I couldn’t find anything that actually helped me on Google for my specific needs. But the time to develop my studio policy, learn how to advertise, and create all the documents needed for financial tax tracking, PAID OFF! I ended up enrolling 10 students within the first 2 weeks of promoting my business locally, and I had 20 students in 3 months after opening my studio doors, by the new year. Now over 15 years later, I still have a thriving studio even though we moved to another city and I had to rebuild my studio from scratch again. I used the same strategies as before to rebuild my studio and was to full capacity in just 3 months and have a waiting list of eager parents ready to start each and every year since.

I knew what I did worked, and I knew that there are others out there that would love to work from home, or don’t want to be stuck in a job they don’t love. So, I created these online courses and content to share my secrets on how to set up a Successful and Thriving Private Music studio quickly and easily to help you develop a fun and exciting studio everyone wants to be part of.

More about Becky. I’m a mom of 3, a health and fitness virtual coach and certified personal trainer along with my busy teaching schedule. I’m a freelance musician for horn performing regularly with our local community band and various other community ensembles in and around my area. I’m also the director for our local horn ensemble and participate with a brass quintet.